Digital Transformation Providers
UpcoMinds is the strategic par...

May 2023

Live Presentation by Couchbase

UpcoMinds is the strategic partner of COUCHBASE for Greece and Cyprus, and is inviting you to a live presentation (webcast) by COUCHBASE on Thursday, May 11th, at 12:00 pm EET (10:00 am BST).

The presentation is entitled “How to Optimize Application Performance and Lower TCO With a NoSQL DBaaS”, and also includes a “Third-party comparison of Couchbase Capella™, MongoDB™ Atlas, Amazon DynamoDB, and Redis Enterprise Cloud”.

A NoSQL DBaaS can be the ideal way to get the high performance and low costs you need for your modern applications. But different database architectures deliver widely different results for speed, scalability, agility, and TCO. In this live webcast, we will:



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